Enza Zaden is fully aware of the fact that a company can be successful only if it operates in close harmony with society and the environment.
Our primary aim is to grant people anywhere in the world access to healthy, varied vegetables. How do we achieve that? By developing new, strong vegetable varieties with high productivity and resistance to pests and diseases. Varieties that need fewer crop protection products and less water and fertiliser during cultivation, and that moreover produce higher yields per hectare. Or varieties that are more reliable to produce in regions where until now no, or only very few crops could be cultivated. Our international network then ensures that these varieties are actually available all over the world. We also offer local growers cultivation advice, to help them get the most out of our varieties.
We like to minimise our impact on the environment. We look for ways to reduce waste, generate energy at our subsidiairies, and construct and purchase sustainably. On one of our buildings in Enkhuizen, Santsloot, where seed is treated and stored, we have 2,000 solar panels on the roof. This huge array means we can generate a considerable part of our own energy requirement.