Shinto is an early maturing, overwintering short day onion hybrid and has proven it's worth over more than a decade in the Northern Cape onion production area. Shinto is a stalwart and versatile variety widely known by growers for its consistent performance under a range of conditions. The variety boast multiple key quality attributes required by onion growers. Shinto has high bolt tolerance which consequently results in a wide sowing window. Shinto produces uniformly shaped and sized bulbs with a beautiful skin colour and has a high yield potential. Shinto has a blue-green leaf colour - good tolerance against general foliar diseases.
Shinto seeds are size graded and treated as standard.
Shinto is an early maturing, overwintering short day onion hybrid and has proven it's worth over more than a decade in the Northern Cape onion production area. Shinto is a stalwart and versatile variety widely known by growers for its consistent performance under a range of conditions. The variety boast multiple key quality attributes required by onion growers. Shinto has high bolt tolerance which consequently results in a wide sowing window. Shinto produces uniformly shaped and sized bulbs with a beautiful skin colour and has a high yield potential. Shinto has a blue-green leaf colour - good tolerance against general foliar diseases.
Shinto seeds are size graded and treated as standard.