We offer a wide range of good varieties with excellent field performance, outstanding post-harvest and Bremia resistance. Many varieties are also available in 100% organic seeds. Combining traditional preventive treatments with our high-resistance varieties ensures high protection against Bremia, leading to successful lettuce production. Don't let downy mildew hinder your leafy crop production.
Bremia, or downy mildew, poses a significant threat to leafy crops, potentially leading to reduced yields. By utilizing varieties with Bremia resistance, growers can maintain higher yield stability even in conditions conducive to disease outbreaks. This results in more reliable production over time.
Less risk of crop loss
Less pesticides
Less input costs
Guaranteed yield
Guaranteed supply
Better shelf life
Better quality
Healthier product
Cleaner veggies
The International Bremia Evaluation Board for the EU (IBEB-EU) tackles this challenge. They monitor and identify the emergence of new races of Bremia lactucae that pose a significant threat to the lettuce industry and promote the use of standardized race names in communications with growers.