Sweet, juicy, fresh and colorful. That about sums up the wishlist for melons. But only with tastebuds of customers on the tip of their tongues, they will be back for more. So, within every melon type and for every sales market, we are committed to developing varieties that are not only high-yielding and long-lasting but that are also up there among the very best in terms of the taste experience.
Not only are we looking for a taste explosion in the mouth, we also want melons to be a feast for the eyes. And last but not least: we want to be able to buy them all year round. Enza Zaden is working hard to meet all these expectations. Our breeding programme has expanded and intensified in recent years. And this pays off in a growing range of high-quality varieties for various cultivation regions. Some are ideally suited for long-haul transport others are intended for local markets.
For us, innovation is more than genetics. Wherever we can create value for our partners at the beginning of the chain, we will. Our specialists are working hard on progress and innovation. This includes finding new ways to share knowledge and collaborate even more effectively, for instance at the annual Melon House Fair. Every year, in the city of Murcia in Spain will be all about sharing experiences, discussing market trends and finding out the latest trends and news on melon and watermelon. We’d love to see you there!
For information about our wide range of varieties, please take a look at our local websites (Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Germany, Middle East, USA, Morocco, Russia, The Netherlands, Africa, Ukraine) or contact your local Enza Zaden representative.