Doing business successfully in horticulture starts with the right vegetable variety or concept for the right market. At the right time. In order to achieve that, research and cooperation are essential. Because you have to know what consumers want. And the important aspects to consider for the retail, trade or processing industries. Which variety or which concept is the most advantageous for growers?
This multi local approach enables Enza Zaden to produce market-specific products from its position in those same markets. This means we are always aware of the latest developments. And we know precisely what the market demands. Developing the right products at the right time for the right markets requires close collaboration with our partners in the chain. We initiate a constructive dialogue and combine our expertise. This leads to the creation of innovative products. Products that offer benefits to each stakeholder in the chain.
Each link in the chain has specific wishes and priorities. Growers, for instance, primarily want reliable varieties that offer the highest possible yields and good resistance traits. The priorities for the trade, retail and processing industries are a long shelf-life, consistent quality and ease of processing, while foremost for consumers is flavour and nutritional value. Enough boxes for our breeders to tick when they start developing the best variety to suit the right target group.
Our vegetable seed is sold all over the world. In more than 25 countries, spread over all the continents in the world our company has subsidiairies. In countries with no local Enza Zaden subsidiary we work with a group of enthusiastic, dedicated distributors.
Enza Zaden has a team of crop advisers. They are intimate with the local market and know the climate and cultivation conditions in the region better than anyone. The advisers support and advise growers in their choice of a variety or concept and during cultivation.