The Seeds Sprouts


The Seeds Sprouts

After World War II…

It all began with Jacob Mazereeuw’s pioneering spirit. In 1938, he established ‘De Enkhuizer Zaadwinkel’, a shop that initially sold vegetable seeds, seed potatoes and legumes to consumers with allotments (plots for growing vegetables). After World War II, his attention shifted to professional growers of outdoor and greenhouse vegetables. It didn’t take our founder long to expand his trade with some distinctive products with unique features, that seamlessly matched the needs of his customers.

"At the end of WWII, I saw the opportunity to focus on professional growers. It wasn't easy, but we succeeded with the broad bean variety "Ezetha's Witkiem". Growers noticed that this variety was value-for-money, and this way, the trust in our company became bigger and bigger."
Jacob Mazereeuw

Growing together

From the start, the positive impact of our company within the industry was very real. From the beginning, 'De Enkhuizer Zaadwinkel' was a business that focused on high-quality seeds for professional growers of vegetables in fields and greenhouses. By working together and developing the best products, we contributed to the development of the agricultural industry. While only on a local level at first, our curious mindset and a genuine interest in the growers’ wishes helped Enza Zaden become a preferred supplier across the globe.