11 March 2021 News
On February the 25th at Enza Zaden´s Culiacan Mexico offices Ahern´s board led by Mr. Kevin Ahern signed a new collaboration agreement to further develop the cucumber Mexican market with Enza Zaden and Vitalis.
We are pleased to inform that Ahern Seeds will be the sole vendor of our slicers, long European (LET) and beith – alpha (BAT) cucumber seeds in Mexico for the following years.
Both companies will keep working towards enhancing collaboration to best support growers and produce traders alike, by having close and direct contact with them. “We keep working on new and improved varieties that are best fitted for local and regional crop management. Varieties that will result in better yields, higher fruit quality and overall business growth for participants,” says Rodolfo Leyva, Regional Sales Director North America at Enza Zadens.
Ahern Seeds and Enza Zaden/Vitalis have a long-lasting business relationship that goes back over 20 years working closely to develop Mexico’s agricultural potential.
We are very excited to be signing this agreement with Enza Zaden. We have been business partners for over 2 decades and Enza Zaden has been and will remain a strategic commercial ally by our side. We share the commitment to provide Mexico´s growers with the best technologies and seed genetics in the coming years,” Jose Luis Gonzalez Beristain, Executive Vice President at Ahern Seeds.
Ahern Seeds has been a great business partner to Enza Zaden for the past decades. We greatly acknowledge their collaboration and efforts to best serve Mexico´s growers hand in hand with our outstanding genetics. This new era of collaboration will strengthen this relationship for the year to come,” Rodolfo Leyva, Regional Sales Director North America at Enza Zaden
Ahern is a proud business partner with Enza Zaden.
Adrian Delgado, showing our Coatzin slicer variety in Puebla, Mexico.
Enza Zaden´s RD and Commercial team evaluating BAT cucumbers at a grower´s greenhouse.
Working hand in hand with our growers.