Seed Operations offers interns the opportunity to acquire experience in a range of areas of expertise. The scope can vary from research into seed health or physiology, but also covers process improvements or general work experience in the warehouse management department.
Martin Baas, group leader warehouse management, explains about supervising interns. “Supervising interns naturally takes a lot of time: teaching skills, drafting the internship plan and checking and assessing the assignments.” But Martin thinks all the effort is worthwhile: “Interns are often highly motivated to learn new things and have a totally new and open attitude to processes and working methods. For instance, one of our interns wrote and presented an improvement plan aimed at optimising how seed is stored. We implemented this plan so that all of our storage space is now utilised more efficiently.”
Seed technology researcher Lucile Daron regularly works with interns. “I thoroughly enjoy transferring knowledge and techniques and working with enthusiastic students”. The research performed by the students is valuable for Lucile and the results are implemented in practice. “Thanks to the study results we can continue to improve seed quality.” Students from AgroCampus Ouest University in France visited Enkhuizen for research projects. One of the aspects they investigated was which objective indicators can be used to determine the best moment to harvest endives.
“I thoroughly enjoy transferring knowledge and techniques and working with enthusiastic students”
Coreke Blommestijn, supervisor of the seed health lab, also regularly supervises students from regional education centres gaining work experience at the routine lab. “The questions students ask force you to look at your own processes and protocols with a more critical eye. This reveals where potential improvements can be made.”