26 ožujka 2020 Novosti
Today, the whole world is dealing with the consequences of the coronavirus outbreak, which is severely affecting our daily lives. The main concern in this situation is to stay safe and healthy. But regular business in many industries is also heavily impacted. This will last for some time to come and we need to work closely together to get through this period.
To protect our Global EZ employees and facilities and our external business partners, we have taken numerous internal measures, following the advice of national and global health organisations and authorities. All possible hygienic measures have been taken; the vast majority of our staff are working from home and no visitors are allowed at our stations. Customer appointments have been cancelled or are taking place by telephone or Skype. Field visits are being done on an individual basis. We will do our utmost to ensure that anyone connected with Enza Zaden is optimally protected against infection.
We are committed to ensuring consumers have continuous access to healthy vegetables, particularly in these exceptional times. Our vegetable breeding business is at the beginning of the food supply chain. No vegetable seed means no vegetables production. To secure continuity of production and distribution of our vegetable seeds, we have implemented extra safety protocols. In markets in full lockdown, most authorities recognise our role in the food supply chain and are allowing us to provide seeds to growers where circumstances permit. We take this role seriously!
Our local sales teams and customer services are in close contact with our customers to ensure continuity of their businesses. If you need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact any of our representatives. If we can help you at this difficult time, you can count on us to do so. There will be better times ahead in the near future! In the meantime, we will keep you posted via our websites and social platforms.
Please take good care of yourselves, your families and people who need your support at this difficult time.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and all Enza Zaden employees,
Jaap Mazereeuw
CEO Enza Zaden