It is a fact that the onion is a popular product worldwide. With an annual production estimated somewhere between 50 to 100 million tonnes, it is one of the most widely grown vegetables in the world. This means an average consumption of almost 10.5 kg per person per year. In countries such as Korea, Algeria, Morocco and Spain, the consumption of onions is high. However, the Libyans are the greatest onion lovers: they consume 28 kilograms per person per year.
The quality and shelf life of Short Day and Intermediate Day onions are key points in onion breeding activities. “We are now seeing emerging onion markets worldwide, for instance in Brazil,” says Bram van Staalduinen, Crop Research Director at Enza Zaden. “The cultivation of onions is also intensifying. Onion companies are specialising, mechanising and demanding a higher product quality, and above all, a longer shelf-life.”
In order to focus on these key points, Enza Zaden has onion breeders in Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the USA who collaborate very closely. These onion experts regularly exchange specific knowledge to keep abreast of the latest developments in breeding.
Extra Long Day
Long Day
Intermediate Day
Short Day
Bunching Onions
For information about our wide range of varieties, please take a look at our local websites (Spain, Italy, Mexico, Germany, France, USA, UK, Morocco, Brazil, Russia, The Netherlands) or contact your local Enza Zaden representative.